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Cold Brew Instructions:

For Mason Jar Filter
Place clean filter inside of clean 64 oz mason jar and add 8 oz coarsely ground coffee into the filter. Fill the mason jar with just-below-room-temperature water (~65 degrees or so) by pouring it down through the coffee. You made need to wait for the water to filter through to avoid over-filling! Once full, screw on the cap. You can keep this out on the counter or in the fridge, but you may need to allow extra time if you’re keeping it in the fridge. Allow coffee to brew 10-14 hours for something ready to drink, or 17-20 hours for a concentrate. Discard coffee grounds. Concentrate can be diluted somewhere around 3:2 cold brew to water. Store in the refrigerator and drink within a week.

For Pitcher with Filter
After cleaning, attach the filter to the led and attach to the pitcher body. Add coffee to the top of the filter body, then fill the pitcher with just-below-room-temperature water (~65 degrees or so) by pouring it down through the coffee slowly, avoiding the coffee spilling over the top of the filter and allowing time for the water to filter through to avoid over-filling. Once full, top the filter with the cap. You can keep this out on the counter or in the fridge, but you may need to allow extra time if you’re keeping it in the fridge. Allow coffee to brew 10-14 hours for something ready to drink, or 17-20 hours for a concentrate. Discard coffee grounds. Concentrate can be diluted somewhere around 3:2 cold brew to water. Store in the refrigerator and drink within a week.